Tuscarora Golf Club, Inc. By-laws

(As approved October 9, 1995)


The name of the club shall be the TUSCARORA GOLF CLUB, INC.


The purpose of this club is to provide suitable clubhouse facilities and grounds for the game of golf and all other lawful country club games, sports, and amusements.


The title and ownership of all the property of this club shall in the name of TUSCARORA GOLF CLUB, INC.


The fiscal year of the club shall be the 1st day of November through the 31st. day of October.


The management and control of this club shall be vested in a Board of Directors which shall consist of eleven (11) resident members of this club elected by ballot by the resident membership of this club at its annual meeting and in such manner that the terms of no more than four (4) of such Directors shall expire each year. Newly elected Directors shall take office November 1st. and serve for a period of three years (3) years.


The officers of the club shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, each of which shall be elected for the ensuing year by the new Board of Directors from their number by ballot and a majority vote of all of the new Board of Directors shall be necessary for the election of said officers. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be the only compensated officers and the compensation of each shall be determined and set by the Board of Directors, annually. Newly elected officers shall take office November 1st. and shall serve for a period of one year.


Section 1 – The Directors of this club shall have charge of the care and management of the property of this club and direct the affairs of this club. They shall have the power and authority to enforce the By-Laws and from time to time make such rules and regulations, not in conflict with the By-Laws, as may be necessary to conduct the affairs of this club and for the maintenance of its property.

Section 2 – In case of a vacancy on the Board of Directors for any cause, the Board shall have the authority to fill such vacancy from the resident membership of the club for the unexpired term. The vacated Presidential position shall be filled by the Vice President. The Vice Presidential position shall be filled by a Board of Directors election from among its membership. The vacated Secretarial position shall be filled by a Board of Directors election from among its membership. The vacated Treasurer’s position shall be filled by an election by the Board of Directors from the resident club membership.

Section 3 – A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held once a month, excluding the month of December, on a day agreed to by each new Board at its meeting following the Annual Meeting. The day may vary from month to month, but the elapsed time between meetings shall not exceed thirty-five (35) calendar days, (amended 9/24/72). Special meetings may be called by the President or upon the written request of three Directors on 48 hour notice to all Directors. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4 – The order of business for the reqular meetings shall be:

  1. Roll call

  2. Reading of minutes of last meeting and all special meetings held subsequent thereto

  3. Communications

  4. Treasurer’s Report

  5. Report of the President

  6. Reports of Committees

  7. Unfinished Business

  8. New Business

  9. Adjournment

Section 5 – If any director should be absent from two consecutive meetings of the Board without presenting at its next regular meeting a satisfactory excuse for the absence, the Directors may declare the place vacant and may appoint or elect his successor.

Section 6 – The Board of Directors shall fix the Greens and Golf Cart fees.


Section 1 – The President shall preside at all meetings of this club and of the Board of Directors. President shall call the meetings of this club and of the Board of Directors.

Section 2 – The Vice President in the absence or inability of the President shall perform the duties of President.

Section 3 – The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all the proceedings of this club and its Directors and have charge of the seal and records. Secretary shall keep a register, which shall contain the names and other facts as may be desirable to record therein. Secretary shall make a report of his proceedings to this club at the Annual Meeting and perform such other duties as the Directors may direct not inconsistent with these By-Laws.

Section 4 – The Treasurer shall collect all the money due this club and receipt therefor and deposit the same in such bank or banks as the Directors may direct.

Treasurer shall pay all bills when duly approved and shall sign all checks. Treasurer shall with the approval of the Directors notify members of their delinquent balance and post the name of such member and suspend the club privileges of these members if payment is not received by the due date given in the notice. Shall, at the expense of the club, give bond for the faithful performance of these duties in such amount as the Board of Directors may require.

Shall make a report of the financial statements consisting of a balance sheet, income statement, and statement of changes in financial position to this club at its Annual Meeting and to the Directors whenever required, and perform such other duties as the Directors of this club may direct.

Section 5 – The President or Vice President may be authorized to sign all checks in the absence of the Treasurer. Any authorized officer shall give bond in such amount as the Board of Directors may require.


Section 1 – The membership of this club shall be Resident Members, Junior Members, Social Members, Grandfathered Special Women Members and Honorary Members.

A. Resident members shall be those-elected by the Board to Resident membership and who shall be full dues paying members.

B. Junior members shall be those elected by the Board to Junior membership and who shall pay dues in the amount determined by the Board. They shall be between the ages of 21 through 30.

C. Grandfathered Special Woman members, hereafter referred to as Grandfathered Special Woman, shall be those women who now hold Special Woman membership status and who shall pay dues in the amount determined by the Board.

If they marry they must become a Resident Member. No new members will be elected to this membership class and it will cease to exist.

D. Social Members shall be those elected by the Board to Social membership and who shall pay dues in the amount determined by the Board.

B. Honorary members shall be persons awarded a resident membership because of their services rendered to Tuscarora Golf Club and who are deemed worthy of receiving same.

Section 2 – The Resident, Junior and Social, membership of this club shall consist of such individuals who shall have been duly investigated and certified to the Board of Directors by the Membership and Investigating Committee and elected to membership by the Board of Directors. Such Resident, Junior, and Social membership shall be limited to a number agreed upon by the Board of Directors. Honorary memberships shall be awarded by the Board of Directors.

Section 3 – Application for Resident, Junior, and Social membership shall be made in writing, signed by the applicant and filed with the Chairman of the Membership and Investigating committee. This committee shall then, if it approves of the applicant favorable, certify applicant to the Board of Directors with its recommendation for acceptance or if it disapproves of the applicant, report applicant to the Board of Directors with its recommendation for rejection.Election to membership shall be by the two-thirds favorable vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 4 – Each applicant elected to membership shall pay an initiation fee in an amount and within a period of time set by the Board of Directors. The first annual dues and required initiation fee shall be due and payable within the time prescribed by the Board of Directors. Election shall be void if payment of such initiation fee and dues is not made within the time specified. Each of such applicants so elected who is a former Active member, or is a member of the immediate family of a Resident member in good standing at the time of such election, shall be required to pay proportion of the initiation fee as set by the Board of Directors .

Section 5 – Resignation from membership shall be communicated to the Treasurer. 


Section 1 – Ammended Auugst 26, 2015. The annual meeting of the Resident members of this club for the transaction of business and the election of the Board of Directors shall be held on a date and time to be determined by the Board of Directors.  The date shall be set between Labor Day and the 15th of October of each calendar year.  Notice of the time and place of holding the annual meeting shall be mailed via the US postal service by the Secretary to each Resident member at the last known place of residence of such member or E-mailed by the Secretary to each Resident Member to the last known E-mail address of such member at least ten (10) days before the day thereof.

Section 2 – Prior to each annual meeting, the President or such officer succeeding to power shall appoint a nominating committee of not less than 5 or more than 10 Resident members whose duty it shall be to place in nomination candidates for directors for the next ensuing year. Other nominations may be made by the Resident membership present at the meeting. Election of the directors shall be by ballot. Each Resident member present and in good standing shall be entitled to vote in person and not by proxy. Those candidats, equalling in number the positions open on the Board, who receive the greatest number of votes shall be elected. A majority of votes cast is not necessary for election. There shall be no cumulative voting for the office of Director.

Section 3 – A Resident member is the individual in whose name membership to this club is issued. Only Resident are entitled to vote on the election of any members. All other classes of membership are not entitled to vote.

Section 4 – The order of business at the annual meeting shall be:

  1. Roll Call

  2. Reading of the minutes of the last annual and all special meetings held subsequent thereto.

  3. Report of the Board of Directors

  4. Report of the Treasurer

  5. Reports of the Committees

  6. Unfinished Business

  7. Election of Directors

  8. New Business

  9. Adjournment

Section 5 – A special meeting of this club may be called at any time by the President or upon a written request of 10% of the Resident members. Notice of the time and place of holding such special meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary to each Resident member at the last known place of residence at least ten (10) days before the date thereof. The notice shall state the object of the meeting and no other business may be transacted.

Section 6 – Fifty Resident members entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum at any meeting and only the Resident members in attendance at a meeting may vote. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to pass any proposed motion at any meeting.


Section 1 – Each Resident,Junior, Grandfathered Special Woman, and Social member of this club shall pay annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2 – Honorary members as provided for under Article IX Section 1, above shall not be required to pay an initiation fee or dues.

Section 3 – Clergymen of all faiths shall at any time be entitled to Resident membership for a fee to be determined by the Board of Directors.


Section 1 – “Club Privileges” shall be deemed to consist of (a) the right to use and enjoy the clubhouse; (b) the right to use and enjoy the golf course and grounds, and (c) the right to invite guests subject to the rules and regulations of this club.

Section 2 – “Club Privileges” shall be extended to the Resident, Junior, Grandfathered Special Woman, Social, and Honorary members of this club and to the families of only the Resident and! Special! Junior members consisting of the wife/husband and dependent children, subject, however, to such rules and regulations and restrictions as the Board of Directors or any standing committee shall make. For children over 18 years of age to be considered dependent, they may be no more than 23 years old and must qualify as dependents under IRS rules.”

A. Social members restrictions and privileges are as follows:

  1. Unlimited use of bar and restaurant.

  2. May attend club functions.

  3. May play golf not in excess of seven (7) times and must pay greens fees when required.
    a. Can play weekdays without an Active member and may bring guests on weekdays.
    b. Must play with a Resident member on weekends and holidays and may not bring guests.

  4. May not play as a guest in the three day Member/Guest.


Section 1 – “Guest Privileges” may, from Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, be extended to persons who are properly introduced and presented by a Resident or Junior member or by one of the family as specified in Article XII, Section 2 above, or by a Grandfathered Special Woman member. “Guest Privileges” may, on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays be extended to persons who are properly introduced, presented, and personally accompanied by a Resident or Junior member or one of the family as specified in Article XII, Section 2 above, or by a Grandfathered Special Woman member. An individual guest is limited to 5 playing times excluding the three-day Member/Guest.

Section 2 – A member so introducing and presenting such a guest shall be liable for any indebtedness which such guest may incur to this club.


SECTION 1 – The President shall appoint the following committees:

  1. Finance Committee

  2. House Committee

  3. Greens Committee

  4. Tournament and Entertainment Committee

  5. Auditing Committee

  6. Membership and Investigating Committee

  7. Grievance Committee

  8. Building Committee

  9. Publicity Committee

  10. Women’s Committee

  11. Ad Hoc Committees

  12. Section 2 – The Finance Committee shall have general supervision of the financial affairs of this club. It shall, at the beginning of each fiscal year, prepare a budget and from time to time thereafter recommend to the Board of Directors that it appropriate such sums of money to the standing committees as may be, in the judgment of the Finance Committee necessary to carry on their business and for special purposes; and no expenditures appropriated for the purpose described therein.

  13. Section 3 – The House committee shall act as a liaison with the House Lessee to ensure the proper operation of the restaurant. It shall make a full report to the Board of Directors at each regular monthly meeting and shall incur no financial obligation in expense of funds appropriated by the Board of Directors.”

  14. Section 4 – The Greens Committee shall have charge of the golf course and shall have the power to employ and discharge all employees of this club necessary for the maintenance and care thereof except the Professional, who shall be employed by the Board of Directors. It shall be their duty to make rules regulating the use of the golf course by the holders of “Club Privileges” and their guests. With the approval of the Board It shall make all regulations for the use of power carts. With the approval of the Board It shall make all special rules which shall be observed by the golf players. The Greens Committee shall make no changes in the locations of the tees or greens without first submitting a plan of the proposed changes to the Board of Directors and securing their approval of same.

  15. Section 5 – The Tournament and Entertainment Committee shall have charge of all tournaments and outside events which shall be played on the course. The Tournament Committee must obtain approval of the Board of Directors for all “outside events or tournaments” before commitments are made to the requesting parties. This committee shall provide such entertainment and make such rules and regulations concerning the same as may be in the best interest of this club.

  16. Section 6 – The Entertainment Committee incorporated in Section 5

  17. Section 7 – The Auditing Committee shall have duties and powers as the Board of Directors may prescribe. At the end of each fiscal year, the Treasurer’s accounts and club books shall be audited by an accountant or by the Auditing Committee, and report thereof made to the Board of Directors.

  18. Section 8 – The Membership and Investigating Committee shall investigate applicants for membership, pass upon the qualifications of applicants for membership in this club and certify thereon to the Board of Directors.

  19. Section 9 – The Grievance Committee shall investigate, consider and report to the Board of Directors with respect to all written complaints of the active members of this club as to the conduct of any individuals. This committee, if so authorized by the Board of Directors, may take such disciplinary action, other than expulsion as is recommended by the Board of Directors and such action shall be binding upon the individuals involved.

  20. Section 1Q – The Building Committee shall investigate and make recommendations to the Board of Directors of any structural changes or improvements to the clubhouse and any grounds not under the jurisdiction of the Greens committee. This Committee shall have charge of the clubhouse, locker room, and their immediate surroundings, and supervise any pertinent projects approved by the Board.

  21. Section 11 – The Publicity Committee shall handle all publicity for the Club.

  22. Section 12 – No committee shall incur any expense without the approval of the Finance Committee.


All complaints shall be made in writing to the Secretary who shall submit them to the Grievance Committee.


Section i – The various Committees shall, under the direction, control, and approval by the Board of Directors, prepare and enforce rules regulating those persons entitled to “Club Privileges” as specified in Article XII, Section 2 above, and the use of the golf course, grounds, and clubhouse.

Section 2 – The Board of Directors shall have the power to charge non-members a fee to the golf course, grounds, or clubhouse upon such occasions as they deem proper.


Section 1 – The Board of Directors shall have the power by a two-thirds vote to expel any member whose conduct shall, in their opinion, be detrimental to the welfare and good name of this club, setting forth plainly and specifically the matter complained of, be filed with the Secretary and further provided that no person be expelled under this section unless he/she be served with a copy of the charges against him/her together with a notice of meeting of the Board of Directors at which such charges are to be considered and that he/she be given an opportunity to be heard at such meeting.

Section 2 – The same proceedings shall be used in the case of the expulsion of any officer or director.

Section 3 – Upon request in writing to the Board of Directors by any member, officer, or director who has been suspended or expelled, or on whom penalty has been imposed, and provided such request is endorsed by ten Resident Members, the President shall call a meeting of the members of this club to hear any special appeal from the decision of the Board of Directors. At such meeting the prior action of the Board will be sustained unless it is annulled by a two-thirds vote of the members present.


Section 1 – These By-Laws may be amended at any annual meeting of this club or at a special meeting called for that purpose by a two-thirds vote of the Resident Members present; but Article III may be amended only by a three-fourths vote of the Resident Members present. Proposed By-Laws or amendments must be filed with the Secretary and a copy sent to each Resident Member ten days previous to the meeting at which they are to be considered.


The insignia of this club shall be an Indian Head, and the colors of this club shall be Blue and White.

